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BHP to kilowatts conversion

Result in kilowatts:kW

How to convert BHP to kW

One mechanical brake horsepower is equal to 0.745699872 kilowatts:

1 hp = 745.699872 W = 0.745699872 kW

So the power conversion of BHP to kilowatts is given by:

P(kW) = 0.745699872 × P(hp)

BHP to kW conversion table

Brake horsepower (hp)Kilowatts (kW)
0.1 hp0.075 kW
1 hp0.746 kW
10 hp7.457 kW
20 hp14.914 kW
30 hp22.371 kW
40 hp29.828 kW
50 hp37.285 kW
60 hp44.742 kW
70 hp52.199 kW
80 hp59.656 kW
90 hp67.113 kW
100 hp74.570 kW
110 hp82.027 kW
120 hp89.484 kW
130 hp96.941 kW
140 hp104.398 kW
150 hp111.855 kW
160 hp119.312 kW
170 hp126.769 kW
180 hp134.226 kW
190 hp141.683 kW
200 hp149.140 kW
1000 hp745.700 kW


kW to BHP conversion


In the world of engines and motors, understanding power units is crucial. One common conversion that often confuses people is converting Brake Horsepower (BHP) to kilowatts (kW). Fear not, as we break down this conversion in simple terms for you.

Firstly, let's understand the basics. Brake Horsepower (BHP) is a unit that measures an engine's power output. On the other hand, kilowatts (kW) are the standard unit of power in the International System of Units (SI).

Understanding this conversion is essential, especially when dealing with specifications for vehicles or machinery. Whether you're a car enthusiast, a professional mechanic, or someone simply curious about how much power an engine produces, knowing BHP to kilowatts conversion simplifies the information.

This conversion isn't limited to car engines. It's equally relevant in various industries where different types of motors and engines are used. From industrial machinery to generators, understanding the power output in kilowatts ensures seamless communication and comparison.

Converting BHP to kilowatts may seem daunting at first, but it's a valuable skill for anyone dealing with engines and power units. By following our simple guide, you can confidently make these conversions without breaking a sweat. Whether you're a student, a professional, or just someone curious about the mechanics of power, this knowledge will undoubtedly come in handy. So, next time you come across BHP specifications, you'll know exactly how to translate them into the widely used unit of kilowatts.