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RGB to HSL color conversion

Enter red color value (R):
Enter green color value (G):
Enter blue color value (B):
Hue (H): ° 
Saturation (S):% 
Lightness (L):% 
Color preview: 

Color table

Color nameColor(R,G,B)Hex(H,S,L)
Black (0,0,0)#000000(0°,0%,0%)
White (255,255,255)#FFFFFF(0°,0%,100%)
Red (255,0,0)#FF0000(0°,100%,50%)
Lime (0,255,0)#00FF00(120°,100%,50%)
Blue (0,0,255)#0000FF(240°,100%,50%)
Yellow (255,255,0)#FFFF00(60°,100%,50%)
Cyan (0,255,255)#00FFFF(180°,100%,50%)
Magenta (255,0,255)#FF00FF(300°,100%,50%)
Silver (191,191,191)#BFBFBF(0°,0%,75%)
Gray (128,128,128)#808080(0°,0%,50%)
Maroon (128,0,0)#800000(0°,100%,25%)
Olive (128,128,0)#808000(60°,100%,25%)
Green (0,128,0)#008000(120°,100%,25%)
Purple (128,0,128)#800080(300°,100%,25%)
Teal (0,128,128)#008080(180°,100%,25%)
Navy (0,0,128)#000080(240°,100%,25%)


HSL to RGB conversion


In the dynamic world of design, achieving the perfect color balance is essential. Our user-friendly RGB to HSL color conversion tool is the key to effortlessly transforming RGB values into HSL, offering designers a powerful and accessible way to enhance their color palettes.

Converting RGB to HSL doesn't have to be complex. Our tool streamlines the process, catering to designers of all levels. Bid farewell to intricate calculations and embrace a simplified approach to RGB to HSL conversion, making color adjustments more accessible and precise.