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RGB to CMYK color conversion

Red color value (R):
Green color value (G):
Blue color value (B):
Cyan color (C): %
Magenta color (M): %
Yellow color (Y): %
Black key color (K): %
Color preview:

RGB to CMYK color table

Color nameColorHex(R,G,B)(C,M,Y,K)
Black #000000(0,0,0)(0,0,0,1)
White #FFFFFF(255,255,255)(0,0,0,0)
Red #FF0000(255,0,0)(0,1,1,0)
Green #00FF00(0,255,0)(1,0,1,0)
Blue #0000FF(0,0,255)(1,1,0,0)
Yellow #FFFF00(255,255,0)(0,0,1,0)
Cyan #00FFFF(0,255,255)(1,0,0,0)
Magenta #FF00FF(255,0,255)(0,1,0,0)


CMYK to RGB conversion


When it comes to digital design and printing, understanding and managing color spaces is paramount. Our tool simplifies the RGB to CMYK color conversion process, making it a breeze for designers and creators aiming for precision in their projects.

Transitioning from RGB to CMYK colors can be a daunting task, but with our user-friendly tool, it's as easy as a few clicks. No need for complex calculations or extensive knowledge of color theory – our tool simplifies the process for everyone.