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Online Calculators & Tools

Color conversion

Enter one color code and press the Convert button:

Hex (#):
RGB (R,G,B): ,    ,
HSL (H,S,L):°,%,%
HSV (H,S,V):°,%,%
Color preview:

Color codes chart

Color nameColor(R,G,B)Hex(H,S,L)(H,S,V)
Black (0,0,0)#000000(0°,0%,0%)(0°,0%,0%)
White (255,255,255)#FFFFFF(0°,0%,100%)(0°,0%,100%)
Red (255,0,0)#FF0000(0°,100%,50%)(0°,100%,100%)
Lime (0,255,0)#00FF00(120°,100%,50%)(120°,100%,100%)
Blue (0,0,255)#0000FF(240°,100%,50%)(240°,100%,100%)
Yellow (255,255,0)#FFFF00(60°,100%,50%)(60°,100%,100%)
Cyan (0,255,255)#00FFFF(180°,100%,50%)(180°,100%,100%)
Magenta (255,0,255)#FF00FF(300°,100%,50%)(300°,100%,100%)
Silver (192,192,192)#C0C0C0(0°,0%,75%)(0°,0%,75%)
Gray (128,128,128)#808080(0°,0%,50%)(0°,0%,50%)
Maroon (128,0,0)#800000(0°,100%,25%)(0°,100%,50%)
Olive (128,128,0)#808000(60°,100%,25%)(60°,100%,50%)
Green (0,128,0)#008000(120°,100%,25%)(120°,100%,50%)
Purple (128,0,128)#800080(300°,100%,25%)(300°,100%,50%)
Teal (0,128,128)#008080(180°,100%,25%)(180°,100%,50%)
Navy (0,0,128)#000080(240°,100%,25%)(240°,100%,50%)

Color code conversions


Whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting, our tool ensures a smooth color conversion experience. Easily switch between color spaces without the headache of complex calculations. Input your values, and let our tool handle the rest. It's that simple.

In the world of design and development, understanding and converting color codes is crucial. Our color code converter streamlines this process, allowing you to seamlessly convert codes for your projects. No need for manual conversions – our tool does it efficiently and accurately.

Our tool caters to a wide range of projects, from web design to graphic creation. The versatility of our color conversion and code converter makes it an essential asset for designers, developers, and anyone working with digital color representation. Say goodbye to tedious conversions and embrace a more efficient workflow.

Designed with simplicity in mind, our tool features a user-friendly interface. Whether you're a professional or a beginner, you'll find our color conversion and code converter tool intuitive and easy to navigate. No more struggling with complicated interfaces – achieve your desired results with just a few clicks.

Our color conversion and code converter tool operate on the principle of simplicity. Input your color values or codes, choose the conversion type, and witness instant results. The tool utilizes commonly used vocabulary, ensuring that anyone can understand and use it without difficulty.

Make your projects more efficient with our all-in-one color conversion and code converter tool. Simplify the way you switch between color spaces and convert codes, all within an interface designed for ease of use. Embrace a smoother workflow in your design and development projects with our user-friendly tool.