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The Gregorian calendar has 52 weeks in a year.
There are 365 days in a Gregorian calendar common year.
52.143 weeks, which is 52 weeks plus one day, is equivalent to 365 days in a standard year / 7 days each week.
Every four years, a leap year occurs in the Gregorian calendar, with the exception of years that are divisible by 100.
A leap year show in the Gregorian calendar has 366 days, compared to February's 29 days:
366 days divided by seven days a week, or 52.286 weeks plus two days, make up a leap year.
Year | Weeks in a Year | Leap Year |
2013 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2014 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2015 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2016 | 52weeks and 2days | yes |
2017 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2018 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2019 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2020 | 52weeks and 2days | yes |
2021 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2022 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2023 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2024 | 52weeks and 2days | yes |
2025 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2026 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2027 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2028 | 52weeks and 2day | yes |
2029 | 52weeks and 1day | no |
2030 | 52weeks and 1day | no |