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A year has how many seconds in it?

seconds in a calendar year

A Gregorian year consists of 365.2425 days.

A year's worth of days is equal to 365.2425 days divided by 24 hours a day and 3600 seconds an hour, or 31556952 seconds.

An astronomical year in Julian has 365.25 days.

365.25 days in a year equals (365.25 days) × (3600 seconds/hour) × (24 hours/day) = 31557600 seconds

There are 365 days in a standard calendar year:

One standard year has 365 days, which is equal to (365 days) × (24 hours per day) × (3600 seconds per hour) = 31536000 seconds.

Every four years, there are 366 days in a calendar leap year.

366 days in a leap year equals 366 days. × (3600 seconds/hour) × (24 hours/day) = 31622400 seconds