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A year has how many hours in it?

365 days in a typical year equals (365 days) x 24 hours each day, or 8760 hours.

Every four years, there is a calendar leap year with 366 days, with February having 29 days.

A normal year has (365+1/4-1/100+1/400) days, which is equivalent to (365.2425 days) × (24 hours/day).

= 8765.82 hours

Julian calendar year

The Julian year is used in astronomical calculations (light year definition).

Julian years are made up of 8766 hours.

A year is made up of 8766 hours (365.25 days x 24 hours each day).

Sidereal year

There are 8766.15264 hours in a sidereal year:

365.25636 days × 24 hours a day equals 8766.15264 hours in a year.

Year in the tropics

The Earth needs one tropical year to complete one cycle of the four seasons.

A typical year consists of 8765.812536 hours.

365.242189 days × 24 hours a day equals 8765.812536 hours in a year.